Our Approach to Occupational Health and Safety

As Acacia Mining Operations, we are aware that Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of our business.

With this awareness, we act in accordance with the legal requirements of our country, the TS ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System requirements, and other requirements to completely eliminate or minimize any harm that may occur to our employees, third parties, or company assets in all our areas of activity. We also strive to implement our values that we have made our mission.

Our Organizational Structure

Our Occupational Health and Safety Unit operates under the OHS and Management Systems Department and reports to the Operations Manager, Deputy General Manager, and General Manager, with a structure that includes 11 different job descriptions at the locations specified in our scope table.

Below is the list of job descriptions we have identified for our Occupational Health and Safety Unit:

  • OHS and Management Systems Manager
  • OHS Superintendent
  • Emergency Preparedness Chief
  • OHS Specialists
  • Assistant OHS Specialist
  • OHS Documentation Specialist
  • Job Physician
  • Nurse
  • Other Healthcare Personnel
  • Medical Imaging Technician
  • Paramedic

About Integrated Management System Policy

Integrated Management System Policy is a statement of commitment by the top management of an organization regarding their stance and intention towards the components of the Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, etc.). It is a simple declaration that shows the organization’s commitment to these principles and its intention to implement them effectively. The policy helps employees, and all stakeholders understand the top management’s perspective and intention towards the Integrated Management System.

Acacia Mining Operations, in compliance with relevant legislation and following the requirements of TS ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, has developed and shared its Integrated Management System Policy on July 7, 2022. The company has also set targets that support this policy and reviews the progress towards these targets during Management Review meetings held at certain intervals. The company identifies actions for unmet targets and evaluates the effectiveness of the actions taken to ensure continuous improvement conditions.

Our Integrated Management System Policy

As Acacia Mining Operations, we have created an Integrated Management System according to our vision, mission, principles and values to act in accordance with legal and other requirements, winning the trust of our stakeholders, innovative, responsible and responsive approach, we aim to add value to the regional and national economy in metal mining in Türkiye.

For this aim, as Acacia Mining Operations, we commit and declare;

  • to conduct all our activities in accordance with national and international obligations we are subject to,
  • to meet the expectations of our customers and to increase customer satisfaction,
  • to provide a healthy and safe working environment by taking into account OHS hazards and managing risks,
  • to be respectful towards people, animals and the environment by focusing on protecting our natural environment,
  • to protect the environment and prevent pollution at its source by taking into account the environmental aspects of our activities,
  • to reduce waste, increase recycling rate, reduce the use of natural resources,
  • to take care for the protection of biodiversity directly and indirectly in all our fields of activity,
  • to reduce our energy consumption and costs, decrease our carbon footprint in accordance with our strategy to combat global warming and the climate crisis, and increase the long-term environmental and economic sustainability of our efforts,
  • to ensure the timely provision and mobilization of the necessary information and resources to achieve our objectives,
  • to carry out activities aimed at achieving energy savings within the scope of the products and services we offer, prioritize the procurement of energy-efficient products, equipment, and services, prioritize the selection of energy-efficient choices in the design and revision of our facilities and business processes, and promote the use of renewable energy sources,
  • to consult and actively involve all stakeholders under our responsibility in quality, environment, energy, occupational health and safety practices, increase awareness through information flow and training, establish an effective communication network to achieve common values and beneficial outcomes, thus enhancing our efficiency by maintaining quality continuity, optimizing consumption levels, and ensuring the continuity of comfortable and safe working environments,
  • to identify, evaluate, monitor, and continuously improve the performance of our integrated management system by defining risks and opportunities that may affect the achievement of company objectives within the scope of the corporate risk management approach.

Scope of Integrated Management System

Acacia Mining Operations carries out its activities in the locations listed below for the exploration, planning, extraction, concentration, marketing, and sale of metal ore in concentrate form.

Head Office Managerial Activities Kazım Özalp Mah. Karaca Sok. No:32/7

Managerial activities for mineral ore exploration, production planning, extraction, production in concentrate form, marketing, and sales

Plant Ore Enrichment Bağdere Köyü Çaylı Mahallesi No: 50

Enrichment of mineral ore according to production plan and producing it in concentrated form

Mine Open Pit Mining Activity Küreçayı Köyü, Küpeli Mahallesi No: 11

Exploration and extraction of mines

Samsun Port Logistics Rıhtım Bulvarı Samsunport Limanı 55100

Storage and shipment of mineral produced in concentrated form

Our company has established TS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, TS EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, TS ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, TS EN ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System and TS EN ISO 10002:2018 Customer Satisfaction Management System at the locations mentioned above, defined their processes in accordance with the requirements of the standards, conducted risk and opportunity assessments, and identified their internal and external parties.

Non-applicable Provisions

The items listed below have been identified as non-applicable and have been excluded from the scope of our Integrated Management System:

  • As the mining extraction and processing activities are directly related to the mineral content of the soil, our organization does not design or develop products related to the ore. Therefore, clause 8.3 of TS EN ISO 9001:2015 has been identified as not applicable.
  • All outputs obtained in our organization can be verified through subsequent monitoring or measurement. All activities can be controlled. Therefore, it is not necessary to repeat the process of ensuring and periodically revalidating the ability of processes to achieve planned results for production and service delivery. For this reason, clause 8.5.1/f of TS EN ISO 9001:2015 has been excluded from the scope.
  • Our company does not have any property belonging to the customer, including intellectual property. Therefore, the parts of the TS EN ISO 9001:2015 standard’s clause 8.5.3 related to customer property have been excluded.

Employee Participation and Consultation

Acacia Mining Operations consults and ensures the participation of its employees in all processes related to occupational health and safety within the scope of the Integrated Management System. Through the facilities listed below, consultations and participation are provided for exchanging ideas on planning, implementing, controlling, and taking preventive measures related to processes:

  • Employees can submit their opinions and suggestions to the attention of senior management through suggestion boxes located throughout the site or through the “Acacia HSE Portal” platform at any time.
  • Employees’ opinions and suggestions are heard during weekly toolbox talks, and corrective actions are planned for appropriate topics to make improvements.
  • Employee Representatives hold weekly meetings with the Integrated Management System Representative and share their opinions and suggestions during these meetings.
  • Employee representatives are invited to the monthly Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings, where their opinions and suggestions are heard, and corrective actions are planned for improvements.
  • Employee Representatives is invited to Management Review meetings where their opinions and suggestions are heard, and corrective actions are planned for improvements.
  • All Occupational Health and Safety equipment, including Personal Protective Equipment, is selected by taking into account the opinions of employees, providing sample products for testing, and recording them with feedback forms.
  • Employee opinions and suggestions related to occupational health and safety are obtained through surveys conducted at certain intervals on the “Acacia Academy” platform.
  • In the meetings held within the departments, employees’ opinions and suggestions are taken, and issues related to occupational health and safety are transferred to the relevant department.

In order to eliminate barriers to employee participation and consultation and prevent retaliation, the ‘Retaliation Prevention Policy‘ has been approved by senior management and shared within the company. Feedback received from employees is taken into account as input for periodic Management Review meetings.

Our Life-Saving Rules

Starting from the year 2019, when our business started operating, we have adopted Acacia Life Saving Rules and now we have updated to Life Saving Rules that are adopted and applied by industrial organizations on an international scale. We believe that these rules, widely used in the industry, will make a difference by taking a leading role in Occupational Health and Safety.

How do we introduce our Life-Saving Rules?

We strive to make our Life-Saving Rules embraced by our employees and stakeholders we work with. As a part of this effort, we highlight the importance of our Life-Saving Rules in the Occupational Health and Safety trainings that we provide to all our employees and stakeholders before they start working.

To learn more about our Life-Saving Rules, please use the tabs below:

Rule 1


  • We make sure that we understand and use critical safety equipment and procedures that we need to use during our duty.
  • We always obtain authorization in the following situations:
  • Before eliminating safety controls,
  • In case of deviation from procedures,
  • After bypassing barriers,
Rule 2


  • We make sure that energy sources are isolated before entering a confined space,
  • We ensure that a gas test is conducted before entering a confined space and that it is continuously monitored during work,
  • If necessary, we check and use our respiratory equipment before entering a confined space,
  • We make sure that a confined space attendant is present before entering a confined space,
  • We ensure that there is an emergency plan related to the confined space, and
  • We always obtain a work permit before entering a confined space.
Rule 3


  • We always wear our seat belt while driving,
  • We do not exceed the speed limit and reduce our speed according to road conditions,
  • We do not use mobile phones or other devices while driving,
  • We drive while being rested, alert, and focused on the road, and,
  • We comply with the requirements of the journey management plan.
Rule 4


  • We determine all energy sources in advance,
  • We ensure that hazardous energy sources are isolated, locked, and tagged, and,
  • We make sure that accumulated and residual energy testing has been performed and that zero energy is present in the system.
Rule 5


  • We identify and control ignition sources,
  • Before starting hot work:
  • We confirm that flammable materials have been removed from the area or isolated, and,
  • We obtain a hot work permit.
  • Before starting hot work in a hazardous area:
  • We confirm that a gas test has been performed, and,
  • We confirm that the gas is continuously monitored during the work using a gas detector.
Rule 6


  • Kendimizi aşağıdakilerden koruyacak şekilde konumlandırırız:
  • Hareketli objelerden,
  • Araçlardan,
  • Basınç salınımlarından,
  • Düşen nesnelerden,
  • Bariyerler ve sınırlı alanlar belirler ve bunlara uyarız,
  • Gevşek cisimleri düşmeye karşı güvenli hale getiririz ve potansiyel düşebilecek cisimleri raporlarız.
Rule 7


Çünkü Acacia’da biz;

  • Kaldırma ekipmanı ve yükün kontrol edildiğini ve amaca uygun olduğunu doğrularız,
  • Sadece kullanmaya yetkili olduğumuz kaldırma ekipmanlarını kullanırız,
  • Bariyerler ve sınırlı alanlar belirler ve bunlara uyarız,
  • Hiç bir koşulda askıdaki bir yükün altına girmeyiz.
Rule 8


  • İşe başlamadan önce çalışma izni gerekip gerekmediğini teyit ederiz,
  • Sadece gerçekleştirmeye yetkili olduğumuz işleri yaparız,
  • Çalışma izninde belirtilen tedbirleri dikkatlice okur ve anlarız,
  • Tehlikelerin kontrol edildiğini ve çalışmaya başlamanın güvenli olduğunu kontrol ederiz,
  • Bir değişim olması durumunda, dururuz ve koşulları tekrar değerlendiririz.
Rule 9


Çünkü Acacia’da biz;

  • Düşme koruyucu ekipmanımızı kullanmadan önce mutlaka kontrol ederiz,
  • Alet ve iş ekipmanlarımızı düşmeye karşı güvenli hale getiririz,
  • Onaylanmış ankraj noktalarına emniyet kemerimizi %100 bağladığımızdan emin oluruz.

As a requirement of our occupational health and safety culture, it is always more important to learn “what” and “why” something went wrong, unless there is a deliberate violation, rather than “who” caused the issue. On the other hand, intentional violations of our Life Saving Rules are considered a serious misconduct that requires disciplinary action by our company.

Our Occupational Health Practices

As Acacia Mining Operations, we prioritize the health of our employees and stakeholders, aiming for not only the absence of illness and disability but also a state of complete “physical, mental, and social well-being” as defined by the World Health Organization’s constitution.

In line with this goal, we carry out our activities primarily in the following areas, although not limited to:

  • Assessing the suitability of job candidates in terms of their health for the work to be performed by conducting pre-employment health examinations,
  • Performing periodic health examinations,
  • Providing polyclinic services,
  • Monitoring of working environment,

Occupational Health Examinations for Job Entry

According to our regulations, as a company operating in the “highly hazardous” sector, we subject our employees to a pre-employment health examination before starting their jobs and evaluate their suitability for the job in terms of health. We only employ them in a position according to the decision given by the job physician.

The health examination for job entry is completed within our premises by utilizing mobile examination and imaging tools provided by our solution partners, thus preventing any loss of time and effort.

Periodic Health Examinations

In our company, which operates in a highly hazardous sector, periodic health examinations are carried out at least once a year. Groups requiring special policies and employees identified as high-risk by the occupational physician may be invited for periodic health examinations more frequently (every six months or every three months).

Periodic health examinations are closely monitored in our company, and the entry of employees who have missed their examination date is restricted.

Polyclinic Services

Our company’s health unit also provides outpatient services during working hours on weekdays by our job physician. In this way, the health of our employees is closely monitored and they are provided with the opportunity to solve their health problems in the workplace.

Workplace Inspections

In coordination and cooperation with the Occupational Health and Safety and Environment units, physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, and ergonomic risk factors are evaluated, and environmental measurements and personal exposure level measurements are carried out at designated locations. In addition, regular general hygiene inspections (kitchens, dining halls, toilets, sinks, dressing rooms, tea rooms, etc.) are conducted, and necessary measures are shared with relevant personnel.

Occupational Health in Acacia During the Pandemic Period

The measures that employers need to take regarding occupational health during pandemic periods vary based on the light of science, technology, and current developments and need to be constantly updated.

As Acacia Mining Operations, with this awareness, we have taken the necessary occupational health and safety measures required by science, technology, and current developments to protect the physical and mental health of our employees and stakeholders. We have managed an effective pandemic management process by enforcing and monitoring compliance with these measures and avoiding refraining from taking precautions due to the experience, attentiveness, etc. of these individuals.

During this process, Acacia wasted no time in implementing the measures put into effect by the government through the Science Committee, making important contributions not only to its employees and stakeholders but also to public health, and brought its pandemic measures to the highest level by fulfilling the conditions specified in the “Covid-19 Hygiene, Infection Prevention and Control Guide” published by the Turkish Standards Institute.

The level of these measures has been inspected on-site through audits conducted by the Turkish Standards Institute on 06-07 January 2020, and approved through the “TSE Covid-19 Safe Production Certificate” issued on 07.01.2020.


As Acacia Mining Operations, we aim to support the success of our employees in their work life by providing training services in the necessary areas and improving their knowledge and skills. Under the umbrella of the Acacia Academy, which we have created for this purpose, we form our training needs inventory based on the requests from our employees and collaborate with expert trainers for the training programs that are decided to be realized.

To enable our employees to easily access the valuable content of the Acacia Academy from anywhere they wish, it is sufficient for them to access the web interface at https://akademi.acacia.com.tr. Additionally, if our employees wish, they can install our application from the links given below on their smartphones or tablets with Android or Apple operating systems to have 24/7 access to training materials.


As Acacia Mining Operations, we conduct our operations on an area of approximately 1,300 hectares. Working in such a large and dynamic work environment requires teamwork to minimize the risks involved. As Acacia employees, we have been using the Acacia HSE Portal since 2020 to facilitate this necessary teamwork and provide a digital communication mechanism that meets the requirements of our time.

Thanks to the Acacia HSE Portal, our employees can report hazardous situations they observe, near-misses they experience, and accidents they encounter at any time of the day. Based on the information we receive from them, we can take a proactive approach to eliminate the hazard at its source.

Our employees can access the Acacia HSE Portal via the web interface at https://portal.acacia.com.tr or through the links provided below using their smartphones or tablets with Android or iOS operating systems.

Emergency Management

Our Mission

Our Emergency Response Team’s mission for the years 2023-2025 is determined as “to carry out necessary actions for effective management of disaster and emergency processes, to create a collaborative environment with relevant institutions by establishing policies for managing emergency situations.”

Our Vision

Our team’s vision, based on the need to improve the awareness and preparedness level of our employees and stakeholders on disaster and emergency situations in line with the understanding of risk reduction, is determined as “to create a prepared organization against emergency situations.

Our Priorities

The priority order of the Emergency Response Team during a rescue operation is determined as follows:

  • to ensure the safety of the Emergency Response Team,
  • to save lives,
  • to control the emergency situation,
  • to ensure that the emergency situation has been resolved.

Occupational Health and Safety Art Competition Award Ceremony

Acacia Mining Operations proudly presents the award ceremony of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Art Competition. We are thrilled to share the exciting details of this event, celebrating the creativity and talent of the elementary and middle school students studying in Hanönü, along with the children of our employees.

The OHS Art Competition aimed to raise awareness about the importance of occupational health and safety among our young participants. It provided an opportunity for them to showcase their artistic skills and express their understanding of this crucial topic. The enthusiasm and effort displayed in each artwork served as a powerful reminder of the significance of OHS.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the top three winners of the competition! Their outstanding achievements have been recognized with special awards. The first-place winner received a customized medal and a tablet computer, symbolizing their exceptional grasp of the competition’s theme and importance. The second and third-place winners will be presented with a smart watch and an earphone , respectively. These prizes aim to motivate and support our young talents in their personal and academic development.

We would also like to acknowledge and congratulate the recipients of the honorable mention awards. Their originality and artistic vision stood out, capturing our attention and admiration. As a token of appreciation, we have carefully selected a dry and crayon set for each of these talented children. These sets will serve as a source of inspiration, enabling them to shine even brighter.

However, we believe that the ultimate winners of this competition are each and every child who participated. Their contributions in raising awareness about occupational health and safety have taken us a step closer to building a safer and healthier future. Their passion and dedication give us hope and drive us to continue supporting and motivating them.

Last but not least, we are delighted to announce that all participants of the competition will receive a one-year subscription to Bilim Çocuk Dergisi (Science Kids Magazine). This gift aims to nurture their curiosity, foster a love for science, and encourage further exploration of exciting topics.

Acacia Mining Operations is immensely proud of the OHS Art Competition’s success and the participation of our community’s children. We extend our sincere gratitude to all the young artists, their parents, and teachers for their invaluable support. Together, we are shaping a brighter future through creativity, awareness, and dedication to occupational health and safety.

Our Theatre Performance Staged Within the Occupational Health and Safety Year

As a part of the Occupational Health and Safety Year, our theatrical performance was well received and highly appreciated. The play titled “Some Heroes Don’t Wear Capes” aimed to raise awareness about workplace safety in an entertaining and engaging way.

The professional “İş Tiyatrosu” team meticulously prepared and staged the comedy play, highlighting the importance of following safety protocols and the heroic acts of everyday workers. The play emphasized the significance of personal protective equipment, hazard identification, and teamwork in maintaining a safe working environment.

The performance took place at the Hanönü Public Education Center in a series of 7 sessions, allowing a wide audience to enjoy and benefit from the play. The community’s response was overwhelmingly positive, with a significant turnout and enthusiastic engagement throughout the shows.

We are proud to have contributed to promoting a culture of occupational health and safety in our district and beyond. By combining entertainment with training, we hope to have inspired individuals and organizations to prioritize the well-being of their employees and create safer work environments. As Acacia Mining Operations, we remain committed to upholding high standards of workplace safety and will continue to support initiatives that raise awareness and promote best practices in this vital field.

From Our Red Crescent Week Blood Donation Campaign

Our company organized a blood donation campaign in collaboration with the Turkish Red Crescent during the Red Crescent Week Activities on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022. Our employees and stakeholders showed great interest in the blood donation campaign, which took place throughout the day in the blood donation vehicle that visited our facilities and mining regions with the awareness of “1 Unit Blood for 3 Lives“. We would like to thank our employees and stakeholders who participated in and supported the campaign.

Our Theatre Performance Staged Within the Occupational Health and Safety Week

At our company, as part of the Occupational Health and Safety Week activities, between Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 and Friday, June 3rd, 2022, the İş Tiyatrosu (Work Theater) team of actors, in cooperation with the Hanönü Public Education Center, staged theater plays on the theme of “Every Week is Occupational Health and Safety Week“. Our event, which was attended by our employees and stakeholders, received great interest and was honored with the attendance of the Hanönü District Governor Mr. Emrah BÜTÜN, Hanönü Mayor Mr. Serkan UÇAR, and valuable managers of public institutions.

Occupational Health and Safety Art Competition

As part of the OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) Year 2023 campaign, a painting competition titled “My Dear Family, Pay Attention to Safety While Working!” was organized for our employees’ children, as well as elementary and middle school students studying in Hanönü.

The jury, consisting of Acacia executives and art teachers working in Hanönü, had a difficult time selecting the winners from the highly creative 152 paintings. We congratulate the following students who achieved success in the competition and wish them continued success:

Elif Nur YILDIRIM  Şehit Faruk Karagöz İlkokulu
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE Tablet
🖼️ Link
Efe ASAR Şehit Faruk Karagöz İlkokulu
Wiky 4 Plus Smart Watch
🖼️ Link
Eylül ÖZCAN Şehit Faruk Karagöz İlkokulu
JBL JR 460NC Kids Headphones
🖼️ Link
Arda ALLI Hanönü İmam Hatip Ortaokulu
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE Tablet
🖼️ Link
Aleyna AKDOĞAN Şehit Faruk Karagöz YBO
Samsung Galaxy Watch 4
🖼️ Link
Erdem Eren ACAR Hanönü İmam Hatip Ortaokulu
JBL JR 460NC Kids Headphones
🖼️ Link

The artworks of the participants listed below, even though they didn’t win a placement, have demonstrated the ability to express certain events in extraordinary and aesthetic ways within the evaluation. They have been honored with an honorable mention award. We congratulate all the students deserving of the honorable mention award and wish them continued success.

Elif Mira ÖZCAN Şehit Faruk Karagöz İlkokulu
72-piece Dry Pastel Set
🖼️ Link
Nur HIRÇINKAYA Şehit Faruk Karagöz İlkokulu
72-piece Dry Pastel Set
🖼️ Link
Ece TOPÇU Şehit Faruk Karagöz İlkokulu
72-piece Dry Pastel Set
🖼️ Link
Hüseyin YILMAZ Şehit Faruk Karagöz YBO
72-piece Dry Pastel Set
🖼️ Link
Furkan ÇORBACI Şehit Faruk Karagöz YBO
72-piece Dry Pastel Set
🖼️ Link
Yekta KORKMAZ Şehit Faruk Karagöz YBO
72-piece Dry Pastel Set
🖼️ Link

All participants who took part in the competition and prepared beautiful paintings related to Occupational Health and Safety, including the winners and those deserving of the honorable mention award, have won a 1-year subscription to the “Bilim ve Çocuk” Magazine from Acacia. We thank all the participants featured in our virtual gallery below for their contributions and express our happiness in having them join us again in future competitions that we will organize.

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